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ID 285
Numerical simulation of supercritical H2/O2 flame with non-ideal transport
The simulation of a supercritical fluid flow requires sophisticated models for real gas thermodynamic and non-ideal phenomena. They both are presently addressed through the simulation of a non-reacting and reacting high pressure H2/O2 splitter-plate configuration. In particular, the diffusion velocity of species is evaluated through the gradient of chemical potential expressed with the Peng-Robinson equation of state, or with the classical low-pressure approach which only uses the gradient of the kth species molar fraction. In addition, the high pressure binary diffusion coefficients are estimated by the correction of Kurochkin et al. or with the Takahashi approach. The results for the non-reaction case are consistent with the literature for mean and rms values. The use of a non-ideal transport has a limited impact but the temperature profiles become steeper. In the reactive case, the two approaches lead to a difference of 50 K on the average temperature just downstream of the injector and about 100 K further downstream. A non-ideal transport is then required for the modeling of supercritical flow simulation.